Cricket Net Sessions

To make a nets booking, please select a time slot using the calendar below and then complete the online form. Once you have submitted your booking, your request will be reviewed and a booking confirmation provided if you have met the conditions of booking.

Your booking is not confirmed until you have received the booking confirmation e-mail.

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The terms and conditions of booking are:

  • Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (temperature above 37.8 °C, a persistent cough, breathing problems, a new loss of taste or smell or other symptoms identified by the UK Government) must stay at home and self-isolate in accordance with the UK Government guidance. All members of the same household must do the same even if they do not display symptoms.
  • All nets sessions must be pre-booked via the website – you will require a booking confirmation before you can go ahead and use the nets.
  • Only one net is open for use (the lane on the right).
  • A maximum of 6 people can attend a nets session. The total of 6 includes the club representative and any coaches/parents that observe.
  • All attendees who are not in the same household must adhere to the UK government social distancing requirements – stay at least 2 metres apart at all times
  • The sessions are 50 minutes long – with a 10 minute period for cleaning and changeover for the next booking at the end.
  • The sessions are free of charge to junior and senior GCC members
  • Non-members can use the nets as long as they are with a GCC member – this can either be on a £5 per session pay as you go basis for over 18’s, or by paying £25 to become a full member of GCC in 2020. Under 18’s can attend sessions free of charge. If you are interested in becoming a member please e-mail Jonny at
  • Non-members are not covered under the personal accident cover within Goring Cricket Club’s insurance policy.
  • The person that makes the booking request must be confirmed by Jonny Russell (GCC Chairman) as a GCC club representative for the booking to be approved. If this is your first booking, Jonny will contact you directly to discuss further.
  • At least one adult (over 18) must be present at every session – whether playing or non-playing, this individual counts towards the maximum of 6.
  • The pavilion is closed and should not be accessed under any circumstances – there will be no toilet facilities available.
  • Each group must bring their own equipment – and equipment should only be shared between members of the same household. There are no stumps available for use, so you will need to go without or bring your own.
  • Personal hygiene measures should be carried out at home before and after use of the facility.